Ya, this game is 12 years old and I'm sure that thousands have played it. Its warm up.
So X-Com: Terror from the deep is a classic example of turn based strategy . Developed by the awesome, yet long gone, Microprose, X-Com: TFtD is set in the year 2040 and is a direct sequel to X-Com: UFO Defense. The is pretty much a re-skinning of the game with a different setting, but the graphics were updated and a few things changed around. One of the great things about this game is that every time you play, the game is different. Even on the easiest setting, this game provides a serious challenge to the player, with no promises the required aliens will appear and give you the tech you need to progress. In fact, there are a few bugs that make it impossible for you to actually beat the game is you are not careful, something I learned just recently as I started playing it again. Anyway, lets get to the classic type of review.
- Graphics & Sound
Still, while the graphics are nothing compared to what we have today, they do not look awful unless you are one of those gamers that prefer look over function. If that is the case, I would imagine you are a shallow, vapid idiot who has zero taste in games and probably hates WoW simply because the graphics are kind of cartoonish.
The sound is dated. Aliens have one death sound, same with your soldiers and civilians. Weapons generally make the same noises, a do explosives. The music is well done but recycled from the first game but it does lend to a creepy atmosphere that the game is shooting for. Its not top of the line and you have more complicated ring tones on your cell phone than what is used for this game, but again it is 12 years old.
- Game Play
As said fucking up is done, you are able to research various alien tech that you manage to recover. The tech tree is flawed, bad. If you manage to not research the right things in the proper order, the game is fucked and you will have to start all over again. This site has a good break down of what tech to research and in what order, but it does contain some spoilers. It does not take to long to run through the tech tree and make sure your soldiers are on-par with the aliens are far as weapons go.
One of the best thing about this game, and something you should consider for a game that is 12 years old, is that the buildings are able to be torn down by explosives. Have a alien that is locked in a closet and wont come out? Toss a frag in there and blow his ass away. Need a back door to a building the aliens have locked down? No problem, heavy explosives will make a hole for you. This adds a dimension of tactics that some developers still don't use today, which is just retarded. Your soldiers, though, are weak till you manage to research the heavy armors. It is standard for you to be running through soldiers fairly quickly in the early stages if you do not save a lot. I've found having a save game for each type of mission helps a lot in terms of keeping your guys alive, and finding out if you are over your head and need to bug out.
The game play is solid, provides a real challenge and can keep you interested for a few hours with ease. Even on the beginner level, you will find yourself being tested by the aliens. I still haven't managed to beat the game on beginner and I've been playing it off and on for years. Most of that was due to the tech tree bug though.
- Problems
On my machine, the game will play for a solid while but your saved games can get bugged for no real reason and cause the game to crash randomly. You will find your self having to avoid missions because they are bugged. Key here is to save often so you don't find yourself have to go back a long way and maybe have to re-do some key research.
- Overall