A few years back, 07 version I think, NCAA was reaching its highest level of awesome on the Xbox. The campus legend mode was fully fleshed out and felt like you were playing on a college football team. While the dynasty mode was not nearly as flushed out as it is now, it was still enjoyable enough for those who liked to play it. Then came the direct port to the 360 and its epic failing. It was a waste, much like most direct ports to the 360 after it came out.
I was hoping, after two years on the 360, that EA had finally figured out how to make another NCAA game such as the one before the porting over to the 360. You see, EA seems to have dropped the ball on one particular aspect of the NCAA franchise. My favorite aspect of the series, one that I think most people who have played the franchise for many years also enjoy. The campus legend mode. Last year it was lacking and it is once again this year. Sure, its pretty and the high school games are interesting and a fun way to gauge how talented your character will be in college. Yea, I suppose that the balance to keep your players schooling and football skills even. Thats about where the interesting stops. Once again, you are left with no announcing during the games, no choice over what plays are called if you are not the QB or any way to keep your D from stopping the opposing team from that scoring drive that blows the game for you. After a few games of watching your D get blown out by some crap team, your QB making retarded pass after retarded pass and your coach calling the most stupid plays, you are ready to put down the controller and say "fuck it". For me, this is the most frustrating part of the game. Campus legend was once my favorite part of NCAA, now the franchise has lost almost all of its appeal. The dull, uninspired and lack luster legend mode makes me want to return the game.
Anyway, moving on. For those who enjoy the dynasty mode, you are in for a treat. Apparently, a lot of you have been asking for the dynasty mode to be online and now it is. Which is wonderful for those of you who know enough people to play it. The single player aspect of dynasty is also well done, making it easy to track the players you seek to recruit, easy to find out what points to hit on to talk them into coming to your school. During the season, you are able to play every game and have control of every position. Its a different and interesting aspect of NCAA I have never fully explored, though I will be since I can't take any more of the silent campus legend mode.
Quick play is also enjoyable, giving you the full control and all the bells and whistles you expect from a college football game. Mascots dancing, cheerleaders, flag carriers and the whole bit. Really not much else to say about that part.
So, I suppose my only true problem is the campus legend mode. There is no reason that I can see why there is no announcing, cheerleaders or any of the little aspects of the dynasty/quick play modes. I can understand the inability for you to call plays, control the defense or change plays while not being the QB but fuck it all, I can't understand why there is no announcing and even LESS of a college atmosphere than in other modes. I can't, again, think of why EA took out the dorm room, the campus popularity or any of the aspects that were in the Xbox versions that made it feel more college like. I honestly can't fucking stand that EA took those parts out. I mean fuck. Not even the ESPNU announcers for the games? Fuck.
Now, if you don't mind the quiet and uninspired legend mode, there is a lot for any college football fan to enjoy. If you enjoy running a college team, plenty for you here and if you know others who like doing the same thing, well rock and roll for you. NCAA 09 will give you all you want and more.