Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Browser based gaming

About 5 years ago, I signed up for this browser based game called "Adventure Quest" or is it "Dragon Quest"? I can't remember. Anyway, it was a fun little distraction to play while at work. Kind of like those flash/java based games but more in-depth and it didn't really have an ending. As with most simple games, I got bored with it and moved on and forgot all about it.

Now, I love me some web comics. PvP, CTL-ALT-DEL and so forth. Like all other web sites, they need money to operate, pay their costs and so forth. This, obviously, comes from ads. Ads for new games, other sites and so forth. One thing I have noticed over the past few years is the growing number of browser based online games. There seem to be a million of them and more coming each month. All free to play with you getting cooler shit if you pay them a minimal fee. I have zero problem with them, just that there seems to be more and more being made every month and I have to start to wonder about the market base for so many of these games. Like every business model, you have to consider the market base you are appealing to. Is there a limited demographic? Will you max out how many people you can get to pay to play? Does the cost of adding new equipment (servers etc) out weigh what you make?

I can't see how these browser based games can continue to be made and be profitable for the companies that create and run them. Its just amazing to me.

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