Currently, I am watching, probably, one of the worst horror movies ever. Called Lake Dead this film is low budget but with decent quality camera work. Acting is for shit and I am now 35 minutes into the movie before the first pair of young, nubile titties were shown. Bad job movie guys.
Moving on...
- Be a whore - Nut bag, crazy killers love nothing more than chopping up hot, slutty young women. While hot, slutty young women are great, in a horror movie that pretty much makes sure your fine little ass is toast. Seducing one of the male leads with a girlfriend/wife just speeds the process up and it will probably happen during the act, ruining a badly done sex scene for the viewer. Titties are one of the main stays of bad horror movies and depriving the viewer of said titties by getting chopped up just pisses people off.
- Be a cheater - This could be 1a but not really. If you are dating, or are married to, the female lead, don't cheat. If you some how manage to escape slaughter during the act of cheating, your scum bag ass is dead the moment you are alone. Getting into the shower, going for food, getting drinks. What ever. You are dead.
- Going off alone - Anyone who goes off alone in a horror movie ends up toast unless you are the hero, then you just manage to escape. Stay with your friends, military, police or what ever. Going off alone makes you easy pickings. Why people in fucked up situations always go running off alone baffles me.
- Ignore weapons of any kind - So the cop that was with you just got cut in half, his weapons laying at his side with the killer hunting you down. What do you do? You run like a fucking idiot and leave the gun on a corpse. Oh wait. No. Thats NOT what you do. Leaving behind knives, guns, bats or any kind of weapon is not a great way to make sure you stay alive. Generally, you get cut down shortly there after and that shot gun you left on the ground probably would have come in handy.
- Not turning on all the lights - Look. I know electricity is expensive, but when you think you may be in a situation where a crazy person is after you and your friends, turn on every fucking light you can. Carry flash lights, torches or something. Killers, apparently, are sensitive to light and never slaughter young, idiot teenagers when they are in well lit areas.
- Go searching for lost friends - Oh ya. Genius fucking idea bud. Your friends have gone off alone, already breaking rule 3, and your smart ass is going to go running off in search of them. Chances are, they are fucking dead. Write those idiots off as a loss and high tail it the fuck out of there. Something is up, obviously, and if they AREN'T dead, then people have cell phones for a god damn reason. Leave them to their own devices and stick your ass with the group.
- Don't go to places far away from a city - Have an awesome camping trip at that abandoned camp? Inherited a cabin in the woods? Don't fucking go. Stay your ass at home. Sell that piece of shit and have your lawyers deal with it. Going off where there is little, or no, help for miles around just reeks of "I want to get my ass cut into pieces and eaten by mutant freaks". No. Stay at a fucking motel 6. Go camping at a national park with LOTS of other people around. Sure, you want a weekend of drunken debauchery but there is no need to get dead for it.
- Run for the small town sheriff - Chances are, if you are in a small town, or a remote area, what ever weird and fucked up shit is going down there the cops already know about and support. They may come off as willing to help at first, but oh no. Sooner or later, those inbred fucks are going to turn on you and make sure you are dead meat.
- Look back for the crazy fuck after you - Yes, I know you are curious if the psycho dude who is chasing you is getting closer. He, or it, probably is. So haul ass. Don't look back, just run. Don't stop to try and get into that abandoned car. Don't try to hide in the old shack you have come across, that crazy shit probably lives there. Just keep moving. Find a good pace, keep your arms moving and breath through your nose and out of your mouth. Soon as you see a large group of people that don't look like inbred nut jobs, stop and gasp out your story.
- Think you are safe - So you just killed off the crazy fucker that has been chasing you and slaughtering your friends. Maybe there were two and they are both dead. Now you, and maybe your boy/girlfriend can breath a sigh of relief. You can stroll back to your lives and feel safe again. Fuck. No. Get in car, but check the trunk and back seat first, and haul ass till your hit a major city and head to the first police station you can find. Never assume you are safe. Thinking you are safe just means you, or your significant other, is dead next. So run and don't look back. Once you are safe, buy a couple of guns, a shit load of ammo and maybe a personal security force. That last crazy bastard, or one you thought was dead, WILL come for you. Be a boyscout and be prepared!