Like most gamers, the FPS genre has been a series of ups and downs. When Halo was first released, the gaming world had a gigantic orgasm that lasted for a long time. Then people got bored with Halo/Halo2 and were left with a empty feeling in their gut. Sure, other games came out that were good but nothing amazing. Rainbow 6: Vegas, GRAW:2 and others but you know, none of these games truly rocked our collective gaming faces off. They were like snacks to be enjoyed but nothing so very tasty that we could eat them daily.
Then, like a bright ray of sunshine in the middle of a cold, rainy day, CoD4 came.
While my time spent playing this game since release has smudged my views on it some what, I will do my best to review it like I could have when it first came out.
Call of Duty 4 is exactly what the FPS gaming world needed. A serious, nasty, big kick in the face. CoD4 makes Halo 3 look weak. CoD4 bitch slaps Rainbow Six: Vegas. CoD4 beats down GRAW:2 like a red headed step child. It is, to date, the most perfect FPS game ever created. It may sound like a bunch of talk, that I am giving a verbal blow job to Infinity Ward, Activision and CoD4; which is exactly what I am doing. Everyone I know that has picked it up, started playing and kept playing despite being rocked by other players; has fallen head over heels in love with it.
Call of Duty 4, when compared to sex, is something like this. Every woman you have ever been with pales in comparison to her. Once you have been with her, its all you can think about. You only want to lie in bed and make sweet sweet love to her. It is all consuming.
*cough* Anyway, the game is nearly perfect. The graphics are fantastic on each system, though a top end PC will blow the 360 or PS3 out of the water. The game play is fast paced, action packed and does not let up. The single player game is awesome, the story is well written and enjoyable. Multiplayer shines brighter than anything else out there. You will find yourself addicted to the game very quickly. You will talk to your friends about it. You will come nearly to the point of forcing anyone who doesn't play it to buy it and enjoy.
CoD4 isn't a rent. Its a buy. Buy it for any system you have. Buy it for the PC. Play it till your fingers go numb. Bask in the awesome that is CoD4.
Just don't come to me after 5 or 6 days play time and you start to see its flaws.
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