Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How to make CoD4 even better - Part 1


So look, I still havent gotten my CoD4 review up but I have a slew of ideas that would make it an even better game that I need to get out of my head. The game as it stands now is amazing for all of those who just start playing it. Its fast paced, adrenalin filled, excited shooter that really doesnt rely on any tactics at all. Sure, there are more and more clans out there taking squad tactics into their games and totally raping the opposition. Its almost sad to see how badly some teams get beat when the other team works together, communicates and uses tactics. Enough of that though, this is about how to make the game even better than it is.

  • Add more weapons
Ya, it sounds simple and for those who have recently started playing, the weapon list is decent. For those of us who have been playing since release, the weapons are stale and used up. There are a few select weapons that every one uses, or weapons that people just prefer to use. The M16, MP5 and M4 are the most widely used weapons and they while the M4 is not a starting weapon, it says a lot that many veteran players use the M16 with the red dot sight exclusively. There really isnt a more accurate assault rifle that can put out the rate of fire the M16 can. The M4, probably the second most popular assault rifle, is not as accurate but is fully automatic and is my personal favorite. Problem is, who wants to use the same weapons all the time? Why is it that the G36c or the MP44, which I have no fucking understanding why that gun is even in the game much less the last weapon you get, are not more accurate or provide at least a alternative to the M16 or M4.

So what is happening is most people are using the same weapons through out the entire game and I would think it is due to the lack of alternatives that provide a similar or equal amount of accuracy, damage and range. Having played Ghost Recon: Advanced War Fighter 2 only a single time, the laundry list of available weapons is amazing. There are so many options for weapons, granted I don't think there are weapon attachments you can put on and take off, its staggering. CoD4 is showing its roots with the limited weapon selection it has. I understand that in WWII, weapon choices were few and far between; but its the modern day and there are many posts on fan sites that have huge lists of weapons, for each weapon type, that could be added. I believe, Infinity Ward (IW from here on) should jump on this and release a patch that adds a good number of new guns to each type.
  • Make cover useful
One of the things that has driven me nuts while playing CoD4 is the lack of cover. Sure, you can crouch behind a wall and have some cover but its fairly pointless. Unless you KNOW that you won't be seen, i.e. that you have seen people using that cover before and little to nothing of their body is showing, there is a good chance you a lot more of your body is exposed than you would expect. Rainbow Six: Las Vegas made excellent use of cover, allowing you to peak around corners and fire while limiting who much of your body is exposed to enemy fire. This is non-existent in CoD4. Now, I know taking advantage of cover hasnt been in a Call of Duty game before but really, IW wanted to knock the FPS world on its ass with CoD4 and it really did and yet they left out such a obvious addition to a "modern" warfare game.

The problem isnt that you cant get cover at any time but that you have to be very careful about the cover that you take. Crouching by a corner and trying to ambush the enemy might work once or twice but generally, you are toast after the first kill, if you even get that. Its mightily frustrating when you seem to have great cover and then you are shot instantly. It almost makes it a pointless task. Hell, with bullet penetration there really isnt a point for cover but at least players would have the option to hide behind a corner and peek out, even if they could get shot right through the wall. So I really don't understand why they didn't just add a peak option. Maybe its a lack of button thing, but pressing down the right stick doesn't have a purpose. I mean fuck, in the SP mission your allies and enemies utilize cover and you can't. Are you supposed to be Rambo or something? Hell, that doesnt even add up. Rambo used cover. Maybe your a retarded special forces solider.

  • Add more weapon attachments & multiple attachment perk
In the single player missions, I know that your gun has multiple weapon attachments. Four I can think of off the top of my head. You have a silencer, grenade launcher, red dot sight and a laser sight for night vision. During the sniper mission, you have a M14 with a silencer and a sniper scope. Why can you not create weapon and attachment combos that make sense? If, during the single player game, you can use weapons with multiple attachments why did IW not add a perk to have two attachments during multi player? See, they could have the perk in the tier 2 perks and remove the bonus of having say...juggernaut, stopping power or UAV jammer. That way, having a silencer and the red dot sight on your weapon wouldnt give people to much of an advantage with not being able to use UAV jammer or stopping power on.

Yet, adding the multiple attachment perk kind of...limits the combos that people could use. Thats why IW needs to add more attachments. Maybe more scopes for the sniper rifle, other sights for the assault rifles and who knows what else. I know that there has to be a SLEW of other scopes, sights and weapon mods out there. So it would not be hard for IW to add more, hell there is one sight in the SP missions that is not in the MP section of the game. Drives me nuts.

Part 2 coming soon.

1 comment:

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