Thursday, May 22, 2008

Spore! - Preview

Oh Will Wright. How I love you. You gave us SimCity and The Sims, a way for us to play God and not feel bad about it. You were not satisfied with just a city or a house, no! You wanted to give us an entire world from the ground up, thus you have created Spore! Man am I excited about this.

Much like W.W's previous games, Spore lets you play God, only deeper and more complex. Instead of creating a city, or a family, you now have the ability to create your own creature. Anything your mind and imagine. Just for a little taste, check this out. That is a little preview of the creature creator program, which looks just bad ass. Not only does this program let you create your creature, you are able to do anything you can imagine and are willing to spend the time on. The best part? W.W. is releasing the creature creator on June 17th, only a few weeks away. That gives us gamers a few months to mess around and get our creatures just right before jumping into the game.

The preview video does state that the creatures you create in the months before release will be capable of being used in Spore. Even cooler is you can take screen shots and video of your creatures and upload them to YouTube or email pictures to your friends. I can just see the flood of various creatures, monsters and so forth that are popular being created and uploaded long before the game is released. I'm sure guides on how to make said popular creatures will be released as well.

So Spore looks awesome and I've been waiting for this game for a long time. Its just around the corner, but we do get a little oasis of goodness in the creature creator to get us through the game drought of 08.

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